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—  北京大學(xué)匯豐商學(xué)院英國MBA項目招生簡(jiǎn)介  —
PHBS UK MBA Program Admission
—  Why PHBS? —
北京大學(xué)匯豐商學(xué)院(Peking University HSBC Business School)成立于2004年,目前已迅速成長(cháng)為一所享譽(yù)國內外、擁有極高國際化水平的一流商學(xué)院。
Established in 2004, Peking University HSBC Business School (PHBS) has rapidly grown in reputation and as a center of international excellence in business education.
PHBS currently has 68 internationally educated faculty members with PhDs from leading universities around the world. Nobel Prize in Economics winner, Professor Thomas Sargent, has joined PHBS to conduct research as the head of the ''Sargent Institute of Quantitative Economics and Finance.''
—  PHBS UK Campus —
From Shenzhen to UK
2017年2月,北大匯豐又邁出了歷史性的一步,收購了位于英國牛津郡的校舍,建立了北京大學(xué)匯豐商學(xué)院英國校區Peking University HSBC Business School UK Campus(簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)PHBS UK)。
2018年3月,北大匯豐商學(xué)院在英國校區舉辦了北大120周年海外校慶暨英國校區啟動(dòng)儀式,社會(huì )各界知名人士和北京大學(xué)領(lǐng)導、師生、校友代表相聚英國牛津郡,重溫相距兩甲子的初心,也期許邁向新時(shí)代的啟程。
In February 2017, PHBS has taken a bold step to invest in a new campus in Boars Hill, Oxfordshire, England. Not only is this new investment a milestone for PKU but also for the development of China’s higher education, opening its market to the world.  In March 2018, PHBS brought Peking University 120 th anniversary celebration overseas with the inauguration of its UK campus.
—  加入北大匯豐英國校區!
Join PHBS UK MBA program for the cross-border experience!
PHBS provides you with an opportunity to study Peking University’s MBA program in PHBS UK Campus, while concurrently developing your business and personal networks with China.
With the rapid rise of China’s economy and the increase of Chinese outward investments, the demand for the international business community to understand Chinese business culture and practices is growing exponentially. Peking University HSBC Business School’s (PHBS) MBA program offers tailor-made courses designed and delivered by faculty who are specifically qualified in teaching MBA program with a China focus, so building students ability to analyse the latest developments of the Chinese economy and markets within a rigorous framework of generic business theory.
Besides curriculum study, students will also have the opportunity to develop business networking with leading China-related professionals, academics,company directors, and entrepreneurs. Additionally,PHBS will provide support for you to access funding opportunities in China for business start-ups or career development within or outside China after graduation from the MBA program.
Highlight of the Program
The PHBS MBA is a 24-month program, leading to a Master of Business Administration degree awarded by Peking University. The program consists of taking 16 courses within 16 months, two months of field study and project research, leading to the graduate thesis after 6 months.
The courses will be offered in PHBS UK Campus (Oxfordshire), London, PHBS Shenzhen Campus, or Peking University Beijing Campus. Each course will be taught over two weekends, a Friday and Saturday, monthly.
On each of the two weekends, Business Communication with Chinese, Cross-Cultural Understanding,and basic Mandarin Chinese will be taught on each Friday evening in an informal setting. These accumulated classes represent one course and will last the duration of the taught program with the aim of equipping students with basic language skills and a sound understanding of the Chinese culture.
The program has nine required core courses (18 credits) and one course of Business Communication with Chinese (4 credits). The core courses provide the foundation for business management and operation as well as an in-depth understanding of China’seconomy, governance,and business practice. In addition to these ten compulsory taught courses, students should also take seven elective courses (14 credits). The elective courses aim to widen the management knowledge and skills of students. These courses can be taken in the classroom or online.
The program also requires students to attend two field studies (8 credits) in China for extensive exploration of Chinese enterprises and their business practices. Each fieldstudy consists of 10 -12 days. Students should conduct a research project (6 credits) to write a thesis.
To be awarded the MBA degree from Peking University, students are required to finish with a total of 50 credits and complete a MBA thesis and a viva to defense it.
The faculty of the program consists of PHBS senior professors and visiting scholars from UK academics and business practitioners.
· 在職MBA項目:面向在英及歐洲各屆中高層管理人員開(kāi)辦的MBA項目,學(xué)業(yè)完成后授予北京大學(xué)MBA學(xué)位。
· 北大匯豐中國問(wèn)題資深專(zhuān)家親臨授課,理論與實(shí)踐緊密結合。
· 授課時(shí)間:兩年制項目,授課集中在每月兩次周五及周六。
· 授課地點(diǎn):以北京大學(xué)英國校區(牛津地區)和倫敦地區為主,并在北京大學(xué)匯豐商學(xué)院(深圳)和北京大學(xué)(北京)開(kāi)展部分課程
· 課程設置:10門(mén)必修課(其中含一門(mén)跨文化溝通技巧、中國商務(wù)談判及交流課程),7門(mén)選修課,2次中國企業(yè)運營(yíng)管理實(shí)地調研(每次10-12天),并完成最終學(xué)位論文。
· 授課模式:課堂教學(xué)、網(wǎng)絡(luò )教學(xué)、線(xiàn)上互動(dòng)、實(shí)地調研、小組研討等多種形式。
· 項目考核:修滿(mǎn)50學(xué)分,并完成學(xué)位論文答辯。
Online applications will open from now to May 15, 2018 and the requirements are:
The program is mainly designed for residents of EU/UK.  Applicants must have graduated from recognized universities or colleges with a BSc or BA degree or above, and have at least one year’s relevant working experience.
?GMAT or GRE成績(jì)證明
A valid GMAT or GRE score, or other proof of competency, are also required for application.
Non-native speakers of English need to provide proof of English proficiency with a score of TOEFL (100 or above), GRE (1300 or above) or IELTS (6.5 or above)
PHBS UK Programs
Presently, PHBS offers 2 MA cross-border programs: Management and Finance and 1 MBA cross-border program. Both are two year, full-time, culminating in a final thesis and cross-border programs. Students admitted to these programs spend the first year of their master's degrees at the PHBS UK Campus, and their second year at the PHBS Shenzhen Campus in China, alongside Chinese peers and in an environment of cross-cultural dialogue.
In addition to degree studies,  PHBS UK Campus offers short-term courses for corporate and business practitioners to learn and update their knowledge of China’s economic development and policies. Further, it will offer them opportunities to develop links with companies in Shenzhen, one of the most dynamic and innovative places in China, via our field study of China’s leading companies in Shenzhen, including meetings with senior managers.
更多 PHBS UK 項目
? 金融碩士
Master of Finance,
UK-Shenzhen Cross-Border Program
Master of  Management,
UK-Shenzhen Cross-Border Program
UK-Shenzhen Cross-Border Program
< 更多報考信息及申請過(guò)程:>
Log in here for more information about application:
Website: http://mba.phbs.pku.edu.cn/
For more information
E-mail: mba@phbs.pku.edu.cn
or studentsupport@pku-phbs.uk
00-44-1865-957600 (UK)
郵政編碼 Post code: 518055