
我們的工作人員會(huì )在最短時(shí)間內給予您活動(dòng)安排回復。


21.Their ___ grew longer as the afternoon went on.
A) shadows B) shades C) shapes D) shallows

22.Before he left for his vacation he went to the bank to ___ some money.
A) pull B) pick C) gain D) draw

23.He ___ his childhood memories for the material of most of his stories.
A) turns on B) works on C) draws on D) tries on

24.He saw the plane crash into the sea when its engines ___.
A) failed B) faded C) fainted D) fired

25.It is hot in the day-time but the temperature ___ sharply at night.
A) decreases B) drops C) descends D) reduces

26.Young as he was, he was in ___ of a large number of men.
A) management B) leadership C) charge D) direction

27.They ___ on us as they were passing through town.
A) dropped off B) dropped by C) dropped down D) dropped in

28.Give me his ___ words.
A) precise B) correct C) exact D) accurate

29.Let’s ___ some of these old newspaper. It takes too much room here.
A) dispose B) dismiss C) discharge D) discard

30.I don’t like to ask people for help as a rule but I wonder if you could ___ me a favour.
A) make B) do C) find D) get

譯文:隨著(zhù)下午一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)過(guò)去,影子會(huì )變長(cháng)。
解析:A) shadow n./vt./vi./adj. 陰影,影子,變暗,幻影,暗示
eg. The willow’s ~ falls on the lake.垂柳的影子倒映在湖面上。
in the ~ of a tree 在樹(shù)蔭下 a ~ over one’s happiness給幸福蒙上陰影
B) shade n./vt. 陰涼處,陰暗,細微差別,微量,愁容
eg. There is not enough light and ~ in this picture. 這幅畫(huà)的明暗色調不夠明顯。
under the ~ of a tree 在樹(shù)蔭下
C) shape n./vt./vi. 形狀,樣子,幻象
eg. A vague ~ appeared through the mist. 霧中出現一個(gè)模糊的形象。
rocks of various ~s 各種形態(tài)的巖石 in good financial ~ 經(jīng)濟情況好
D) shallow adj./n./vt./vi. 淺的,薄的,膚淺的
eg. a ~ dish 淺底盤(pán) a ~ man 淺薄的人 ~ talk 膚淺的談話(huà)

解析:A) pull vt./vi./n. 拖,拉,牽
eg. Pull the door open. Don’t push it. 把門(mén)拉開(kāi),不要推。
B) pick vt./vi./n. 撿起,挑選
eg. Pick what suits you. 適合你的就拿吧。
C) gain vt./vi./n. 獲得,贏(yíng)得,增加
eg. ~ still greater successes 獲得更大的成功 ~ a battle 打勝仗
D) draw vt./vi./n. 拉,拖,取款,引起
eg. ~ one’s salary 領(lǐng)取工資 ~ sb.’s attention 吸引某人注意

解析:A) turn on 開(kāi),把……對準,依靠,取決于,使產(chǎn)生興趣
eg. The trip turns on whether it will be fine tomorrow. 這次旅行取決于明天是否天晴。
~ on the radio 開(kāi)收音機 ~ charm 一下子顯露魅力
B) work on 繼續工作,不斷工作,做(某人)工作,設法說(shuō)服,影響
C) draw on 吸收,利用,向……支取,引誘,鼓勵
eg. ~ one’s knowledge of the law 利用自己的法律知識
~ sb. at 30 days’ sight 見(jiàn)票30天后向某人支取
D) try on 試穿,耍弄,玩弄(花招等)
eg. It is no use trying such tricks on with us. 對我們耍這種花招是沒(méi)有用的。
~ a coat 試穿一件上衣

解析:A) fail vi./vt./n. 失敗,不及格,中斷,衰弱,失靈
eg. ~ in an examination 考試不及格
~ in health 健康狀況下降
I ~ed in persuading him. 我沒(méi)能說(shuō)服他。
One of the plane’s engines ~ed. 飛機的一個(gè)發(fā)動(dòng)機失靈了。
The patient’s heart ~ed. 病人的心臟停止了跳動(dòng)。[FS:PAGE]
B) fade vi./vt./n. 凋謝,退色,變暗,逐漸消失
eg. ~ away 消失,;離去
The sound of the motorboat faded away in the distance. 汽船的聲音在遠處逐漸消失。
C) faint adj./n./vi. 虛弱的,怯懦的,眩暈的,壓抑的
eg. a ~ glow 微弱的亮光 a ~ hope 一線(xiàn)希望 fall into a dead ~ 昏倒
~ at the sight of blood 見(jiàn)到血暈了過(guò)去
D) fire n./vt./vi. 著(zhù)火,發(fā)光,點(diǎn)燃
eg. ~ a house 放火燒屋 ~ dry leaves 點(diǎn)燃干樹(shù)葉

解析:A) decrease vi./vt. 減少,減小
eg. ~ in number 數目減少 ~ sb.’s wages 減少某人的工資
B) drop n./vt./vi. (價(jià)格溫度等)下降,滴落,掉下
eg. chocolate ~s (球形)巧克力糖
A ~ in temperature 溫度下降
A ~ of thirty feet from the window to the groud 窗口到地面的30英尺距離
~ one’s eyes 垂下兩眼
C) descend vi./vt. 下來(lái),下降,下傾,降低身份,墮落
eg. ~ from a hill 從山上下到平地 ~ from a car 下車(chē)
D) reduce vt./vi. 減少,縮減,降服,使降職
eg. ~ pain 減少疼痛 ~ pressure 減小壓力
~ the production costs 降低生產(chǎn)成本

解析:A) management n. 管理,處理,經(jīng)營(yíng),操縱
eg. personnel ~ 人事管理 household ~ 家務(wù)處理
the ~ of a tool 工具的使用
B) leadership n. 領(lǐng)導,領(lǐng)導地位,領(lǐng)導才能,領(lǐng)導人員
eg. The company gained market ~ by selling products of superior quality.
C) in charge of 負責,看管
eg. be ~ a project 負責一項工程
The documents are ~ Mr. Wang. 這些文件由王先生保管。
D) direction n. 方位,方向,指導,指揮,指引
eg. in all ~s 向四面八方,向各方面
A research in new ~s 新課題的研究

解析:A) drop off 逐漸離開(kāi),散去,逐漸減少,睡著(zhù),讓……下車(chē)
B) drop by 順便訪(fǎng)問(wèn)一下
C) drop down 倒下,順著(zhù)(河流等)漂下
D) drop in ( on sb. ) 順便走訪(fǎng)(某人)
eg. Would you drop in on us tomorrow evening for a chat?
解析:A) precise adj. 精確的,精密的,明確的,嚴格的,刻板的
eg. the ~ meaning of a word 一個(gè)詞的確切意義
at the ~ moment 恰恰在那一刻
B) correct vt./vi./adj. 改正,正確的,恰當的,符合的
eg. It’s the ~ thing to do. 對啊,正應如此。
A ~ answer 正確的回答 ~ behaviour 端正的行為
C) exact adj./vt. 確切的,準確地,嚴格的,堅決要求
eg. What are his ~ words? 他的原話(huà)是怎么說(shuō)的?
To be (more) ~ (更)確切地說(shuō)
Be ~ in one’s statement/words 說(shuō)話(huà)嚴謹
D) accurate adj. 準確的,精確的,正確無(wú)誤的
eg. an ~ diagnosis 準確的診斷 an ~ thermometer 精確的溫度計

解析:A) dispose vt./vi. 布置,處理,使傾向于,使適應
eg. ~ sb. for/to sth. 使某人有意于(做)某事 dispose of 處理,安排,解決
eg. He doesn’t know how to dispose of his spare time. 他不知道怎樣安排業(yè)余時(shí)間。
B) dismiss vt./vi. 讓……離開(kāi),打發(fā),解雇,開(kāi)除,解散,消除
eg. The manager ~ed the meeting. 經(jīng)理宣布散會(huì )。
The class is ~ed. 現在下課。
~ sb. with a wave of the hand 擺手把某人打發(fā)走
~ sb. from his post 撤銷(xiāo)某人的職務(wù)
C) discharge vt./vi./n. 卸下,排出,發(fā)泄,允許……離開(kāi),釋放
eg. ~ cargo (from a ship) 卸下(船上)貨物
be ~d from hospital (prison) 出院(獄)
~ sb. from an obligation 免除某人的義務(wù)[FS:PAGE]
D) discard vt./vi./n. 丟棄,打出(無(wú)用的牌)
~ an old coat 丟棄一件舊外套

解析:find favour with sb. 得寵于某人,受某人青睞
do sb. a favour ( do a favour for sb. ) 幫某人一個(gè)忙